Where Is the Walk of Shame in Dubrovnik

Going around in circles has never been a good thing. When you walk a labyrinth, you go around in circles but the difference is, you actually get somewhere. In fact, you follow a path to stress reduction and relaxation.

Labyrinths are cropping up in parks and parking lots, in public places and on private property. These intricate courses with ancient roots continue to grow in popularity, as people discover their power to calm the mind and soothe the body. To experience their appeal for yourself, all you have to do is walk between the lines.

Most people think of a labyrinth as a maze from which there is seemingly no escape. But the type of labyrinth I'm talking about is two-dimensional, with no walls to obstruct your vision. It's also unicursal, which means it has a single, winding path that leads to a central point. Follow the path to get to the center, then follow it back to the starting point. No directions, no decisions, and no getting lost.

A maze, on the other hand, has many paths (it's multicursal), and most of them lead to dead ends. Walking a maze is a challenge that can require stamina. Walking a labyrinth requires only that you persist in your journey.

Find Your Way Within

As with so many things in life, what you get out of a labyrinth depends a great deal on what you put into it, says Robert Ferre, director of the St. Louis Labyrinth Project and author of The Labyrinth Revival. "You can skip through the winding paths with childlike abandon, or you can walk solemnly and introspectively."[pagebreak]Many say that walking a labyrinth calms the body and mind by providing a space that guides a person's focus inward. The rhythmic action of walking can reduce the nervous energy that prevents some people from reaping the benefits of other relaxation techniques. And when you walk a labyrinth, the effortlessness of following the winding path deepens your breathing and helps to release built-up tension.

Some people find inspiration or solve problems on the labyrinth path. Others walk to help them focus at the beginning of the day. Of course, you can experience these benefits on any path. But labyrinth enthusiasts, including art therapist Annette Reynolds, RN, feel that the intricate courses offer a special format for "going within."

"I've attended classes in therapeutic touch, which some call the laying on of hands," Reynolds says. "A friend of mine described walking a labyrinth as the laying on of feet. That's how I see it. I've even built one in my garden for my personal use."

A Unifying Force

Communities are using labyrinths to foster unity by inviting everyone to "walk the path together," a symbolic act of cooperation.

As part of a First Night (New Year's Eve) celebration in St. Petersburg, Florida, organizers created a labyrinth on the site of a demolished downtown building. Their goal was to address racial discord and promote community involvement. [pagebreak]"As people walked toward the center of the labyrinth, they were to think about what they would do to help heal the city," explains G. David Ellis, the course designer. "When they got to the center, they tied ribbons to a pole as a symbol of commitment. Then as they walked back, they were to contemplate how to make their pledges a reality."

The event was an enormous success. The labyrinth was packed all evening, and by the time it closed, more than 3,000 ribbons adorned the center pole. It was community art in its highest form.

Stay the Course

If you're a newcomer to labyrinth walking, you may not be sure what to expect from the experience. Ferre advises that you "set aside any preconceived notions or skepticism and be open to whatever happens." And be sure to follow these basic rules of labyrinth etiquette.

1. Begin only at the entry point.

2. Time your start so that people walking ahead of you don't feel rushed or crowded.

3. Walk on the path, not on the lines or markers.

4. Set your own pace.

5. Pass others if necessary, and allow others to do likewise.

6. If possible, sit quietly at the center of the labyrinth before heading back. (At large events, you may be asked to keep moving, since the course can become crowded.)

7. Honor specific requests--for silence, for example.


Sacred Strolls

Any discussion of labyrinth walking would be incomplete without mention of the role of churches in reviving the ancient practice. Since the publication of Walking a Sacred Path by the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress, a licensed therapist and canon for special ministries at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, labyrinths have been cropping up at churches around the country.

Historically, pilgrims walked labyrinth paths as a symbolic journey to Jerusalem, following the footsteps of Jesus. Today, labyrinths serve as a metaphor for the spiritual journey through life, as a source of solace and spiritual introspection, as a setting for religious ceremonies, and as a tool for everyday focusing.

Dr. Artress describes walking the labyrinth as a form of prayer called body prayer. "The labyrinth reintroduces us to the experience of walking a clearly defined path," she explains. "It reminds us that there is a process that brings us to unity, to the center of our beings. In the simple act of walking, the soul finds peace."

Create Your Own Labyrinth

Labyrinths have various configurations. They can be as simple as a sand drawing or as elaborate as an inlaid tile floor. The classic and simple seven-circuit labyrinth has been in existence for more than 4,000 years. Its history extends to a diverse array of cultures, including Native American, Scandinavian, and Indian. Its circular paths have been captured in ancient cave paintings and carved into the turf of a grassy knoll in England. The paths are easy to replicate.

A second, more complex type of labyrinth developed during the Middle Ages. It's found primarily in churches, with the most famous example being the inlaid floor design of Chartres Cathedral in France. These labyrinths are being copied onto canvases and circulated from community to community for retreats and celebrations.

If you're really into labyrinth walking, you can build a course in your own backyard. It doesn't have to be as elaborate as the ones described above. The St. Louis Labyrinth Project offers kits for building labyrinths from canvas and rope, as well as books and videos on labyrinth walking. For more information, write to the organization at 3124 Gurney Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63116.

Former Prevention Walking Editor, Maggie Spilner, is the author of Prevention's Complete Book of Walking.

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Where Is the Walk of Shame in Dubrovnik

Source: https://www.prevention.com/fitness/fitness-tips/a20465058/labyrinth-walking/

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